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Watch the birdie!

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) held their Big Garden Birdwatch recently, and many of the Avery care homes got involved with both their residents and staff to support it.  Founded in 1889, the RSPB is the country’s largest nature conservation charity; it works to protect threatened and endangered birds and wildlife, as well as to preserve nature and protect the countryside.

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As part of the national RSPB initiative to find out more about garden wildlife, Avery homes planned engaging activities to prepare for, and record on the day, the many different types of birds that visit our gardens. This data, once submitted, aids the RSPB to research bird species, their locations, and any anomalies, and to improve conservation techniques.

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Making it a true community event, Avery homes invited in their local contacts to support them in their birdwatch. Avonmere Care Home’s residents and the children from their local nursery worked together to make cereal and pipe cleaner birdfeeders that attracted several different species. Elvy Court Care Home decorated bird feeders and bird houses during their Creation Station sessions, having great success in spotting blackbirds, collared pigeons and blue tits. Both Knowle Gate Care Home and Milton Court Care Home had specialists from Wild Presentations and Park Trust to present information about bird wildlife before the event. Milton Court even set up a webcam in the garden so they can continue to monitor all the action!

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All of our residents had a fantastic weekend, and we are all proud to have helped the RSPB. Check out our Facebook pages to see more of what we get up to!