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Lance Corporals Aim High in Extreme Three Peaks Challenge

Lance Corporal Ross Titcombe and Lance Corporal James Irving both work within the medical sector of the military, and therefore close to their hearts is BLESMA: a charity that helps limbless veterans still suffering the horrific mental and physical injuries of conflicts. The pair wanted to go above and beyond to support the charity, and so decided to attempt the Three Peaks Challenge (with a difference) to raise money for BLESMA.

The Three Peaks Challenge consists of scaling the three highest peaks in Great Britain (Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England and Snowdon in Wales) in the quickest time possible. Not content with that, Ross and James decided to add the challenge by cycling between each peak and aim to complete this without stopping or sleeping in less than two days. An incredible objective even for fit army lads!

Their efforts were rewarded though as they achieved their target in under 48 hours, with a time of 46 hours and fifty-eight minutes. Sadly they didn’t break the world record for this climbing and cycling marathon, but in total climbed 3,500 metres, cycled 483 miles, burnt 32,000 calories each, and raised £2,000 that key sponsors Avery Healthcare then doubled to bring the total to £4,000! Avery also purchased the specialist bikes for Ross and James to use in this endeavour.

An extremely exhausted but happy Ross managed to say a few words at the end. “I just want to say how overwhelmed I am from all the messages. A big thank you to Barry Titcombe for £300 to the cause, and a huge thank you to my mum Sharon Winfield who has put everyone from the challenge up in a hotel this evening, including food and drinks, and for Avery for doubling the amount raised! Wow – emotionally, physically and mentally drained, but I have some awesome people in my life!”


Avery Healthcare has recently helped to support some other great charities too, including raising £5,000 during Dementia Awareness Week, and raising a further £5,000 for two charities in June of this year.