Company News, Knowle Gate, Care Homes in Solihull, West Midlands

Thirst-Quenching Treats at Knowle Gate

14th – 20th June marked Nutrition and Hydration Week, and there has never been a more important time to raise awareness of the significance of eating and drinking well in later life. Around 3 million people are at risk of malnutrition in the UK, and our homes got behind the campaign to promote good practices that can help prevent malnutrition and dehydration.

Diluted cordials, homemade lemonade, using still or sparkling water with plenty of ice were some of the simple yet effective additions to daily recipes from homes’ catering teams. Colourful hydration stations and trollies were decorated and set up with delicious choices such as lemon and lime with a spoonful of honey and a sprig of mint. As well thirst-quenching drinks, residents enjoyed smoothies to start the day energised, ice lollipops and fruits such as watermelon, which is high in water content. Staff at Knowle Gate truly embraced the theme and dressed up to deliver their fruit platters and tasty juices!
