Rose-oMara Manager at Silvermere care home
Company News, Silvermere, Cobham, Surrey

Introducing Rose – Our Long Standing Manager

Rose O’Mara, Home Manager at Silvermere Care Home is now well in to her third year at the home and really enjoying delivering the best in care in Surrey with an established team around her.

Rose was an experienced care home manager prior to joining Avery and has found herself really at home with the standards-driven approach and the attention to detail. She enjoys the focus on resident well-being and having dedicated staff for this as well as the care staff. She is very much looking forward to the next three years.

Rose said, “It’s not just a stunning location overlooking the lake, but a real home from home as well, blended with hotel quality services. We still have staff here from when it opened and it’s a very settled and supportive place to work. I’m really looking forward to the future and making Silvermere the best care home in Surrey for both residential and dementia care”.