Private care home in Nottingham
Company News, Alder House, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Proud Care Home Residents take part in Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk

Sixty residents, relatives and staff from our Premium Nottingham Care Home, Alder House, shared a proud day raising money in support of the Alzheimer’s Society’s Memory Walk, supporting those living with dementia.

The 45-minute memory walk took place through Broxtowe Country Park which backs onto the luxury hotel-style care home. To ensure everyone was warmed up there was an Oomph! exercise session prior to the walk, which was completed wearing bespoke Alder House Memory Walk t-shirts. This was led by our Well-being and Activities Co-ordinator Claire Harne (Oomph! UK Instructor of the Year 2016) to the music of the Proclaimers hit Walk 500 miles.


Paul Quirk, Home Manager at Nuthall’s Alder House, commented “There were over twenty residents, many with relatives, taking part in the walk together with care staff, our Recreation & Leisure Co-ordinator, the Regional Manager, with administration and kitchen staff all joining in”.

On return to Alder House we organised a Dementia Friends’ meeting with a hog roast lunch in the landscaped gardens making another high point of the day and a further opportunity for the residents and their families to socialise and celebrate the fundraising success.

Alder House, owned and operated by leading national care provider Avery Healthcare, had hoped to raise £350 from the event so were absolutely delighted to far exceed this sum with a final total of £1190!


Paul Quirk added, “It was an absolutely amazing day and the residents were very pleased to have taken part. I was extremely proud of the team work and dedication of all involved. It brought everyone together and it was a bonus that we raised so much for such a worthy cause”.