Company News

Remember, Remember…

Bonfire Night commemorates the events of 1605, when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords. Nowadays, people across the UK commemorate the event with bonfires of their own and extravagant firework displays, representing the explosives that the plotters never actually used. Each year, our homes embrace the evening with special traditions, from waving sparklers around in the garden to toffee apple treats and hot, comforting refreshments. We certainly love seeing what you get up to.

Residents at Bourn View Care Home had an absolute blast celebrating Bonfire Night. There was plenty of tasty hot chocolate to keep residents warm and toasty as they marvelled at the fantastic firework display put on by staff at the home. Friends and relatives were also invited to join residents in the garden to enjoy the show in the evening, with relative Ann commenting, “It was lovely to see Bourn View lighting the sky for all the residents and families!”