Company News

Independent Recognition For Avery and It’s Staff

What a great start to 2018 for Avery!

Which?, the largest independent consumer body in the UK, has recently published a report on their best and worst care home providers by using data from the sector regulator, the Care Quality Commission. From these findings, Which? have announced that Avery has 100% of its residential services rated as ‘Good’ by the CQC, compared to other larger providers.

View Which?’s full table of CQC ratings by provider and their article on their Best and Worst Care Home Providers.

Healthcare research specialists from Laing Buisson have also published a report on these findings, confirming these statistics and re-emphasising this great success.

Our hard-working staff have driven excellent CQC results across the board and it is fantastic to be recognised by such a reputable, independent voice as Which? and have findings published from Laing Buisson. So it is no surprise that Avery’s own service user survey for 2017 revealed that over 95% of our residents and families would recommend their Avery home.

A huge thank you from our directors goes to all our compassionate and diligent staff. They commented, “We believe that both of these results demonstrate success in our objective to be a first-class provider of quality care that people can reply upon, and truly reflects the commitment and hard work that all of our staff bring to their roles. Without them these results would not be there, so Thank You to One and All!”

You may also wish to read about our successful partnership with City & Guilds with the official Accreditation of our Advanced Senior Carer (ASC) Training Programme, and how last year we achieved 100% in 5 stars in Food Standards across all our Care Homes. For an overview of what we get up to across all our homes as well as our company news, you can also read our Welcome Home magazine.