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Passing the Baton

57 years after the first games were held, July 24th was set to be the official opening ceremony for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. But for the first time in history, the games have been postponed, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some of our homes have chosen to take the challenge on themselves to mark the occasion.

First to pick up the baton was Hempstalls Hall, who recreated the opening ceremony followed by an anagram game. For every ten words made from ‘Olympics’, residents gained an Olympic ring. Bourn View followed by hosting an Olympics day featuring the egg and spoon race, wheelbarrow, three-legged and relay races, and the all-important bean bag throw.

Last and far from least, Rowan Court has truly been going for gold by creating their version of the Olympics – along with a healthy dose of competition between units in the home. Each day for the duration of the games, they are showcasing their sporting prowess through different challenges. From archery, discus and javelin for the residents, to hula hoop and skipping for the staff, the competition is hotting up! Who will be crowned champion of the 2020 Rowan Court Olympics?