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#OneFamily Launch Day

Avery Healthcare has launched its Staff Well-being Strategy, #OneFamily, alongside newly created values.  Throughout the last year, it was clear from speaking to staff, residents, relatives and the businesses community partners that Avery is recognised for having 3 embedded cultural values – these are Proud, Supportive and Caring.

Lisa Soper, Avery Healthcare’s Deputy Chief Operating Officer who headed up the project said, “Our staff are our most important asset, and we want to ensure that the culture we have worked hard to develop and maintain over the years continues as we grow. This culture is really all about a sense of belonging. Our goal is to build a family culture to drive Staff Well-being.”

On the lead up to its April launch day, the team held a series of staff well-being roadshows, working with the Home Managers and Well-being Co-ordinators to develop ideas to benefit all.  They produced icons to visually display the values, along with posters of Well-being and Activity Co-ordinators who have embraced the strategy with great enthusiasm, nomination cards to help staff celebrate each other’s achievements and a series of videos.

Watch the Avery #OneFamily launch video: