Michael Redman Swim22
Company News

Michael Plunges into Swim22 Challenge

Avery Healthcare Quality Development Manager, Michael Redman has raised over £750 by completing the Swim22 Diabetes UK Challenge.

The keen swimmer, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2009, began the challenge earlier this year when the original completion period was between February 22nd – May 22nd. The Swim22 Challenge allowed participants to do the smaller distance of 11 miles which Michael opted for as he’d been away from the pool a while, which meant that he started slowly and had completed around 3 miles by March, a mile behind his schedule.

The challenge was unfortunately put to a halt, with swimming pools closing their doors due to the national lockdown. Michael said, “It was disappointing to be stopped by lockdown as I was really enjoying the experience and was already feeling fitter.”

When lockdown was eased, the Swim22 challenge extended its deadline to October 31st. Opting to visit the swimming pool more regularly to catch up with the 11-mile goal by completing 1.5 miles per week, Michael completed his 11 miles on 6th October. Still, he didn’t want to stop there and was motivated to complete the full 22-mile challenge.

By the 31st October Michael had completed 16.8 miles in total raising £750 for the Diabetes UK charity. Not only was this a fantastic achievement towards a good cause, but also personally. He said, “It has helped with my diabetes control and with my mental health. I find going to the pool after a working day helps me to relax and unwind but also helps me to think through events of the day and what I need to do the next. I would recommend this exercise for anyone, and I aim to continue. Although I did this challenge on my own, I have received great support and encouragement from family, friends and work colleagues.”

Michael would like to thank everyone who has supported him and donated towards the challenge and will be returning to the swimming pool as soon as it is safe to do so.