Measuring Well-being | Welcome Home Autumn 2018
We all want to live well and have an enjoyable and fulfilling life. Well-being can be defined as an overall feeling of happiness and satisfaction with life and is made up of a balance of physical, psychological and social well-being factors or “mind, body and soul”, which is different for each person.
The Avery Well-being Measure is designed to give an indication of each individual’s overall well-being level at any given time. The higher the score obtained, the greater the overall sense of well-being is being experienced. The measure also offers a trend, in scoring over a period of time as life events occur and helps with a greater understanding of what is considered acceptable or the norm by the resident for their chosen lifestyle. Use of the measure helps support staff teams with care planning to increase a resident’s overall well-being should they wish.
Case Study:
In August 2017, resident A had a wellbeing score of 63 and in care planning discussions identified that she would like to be more involved socially. She was encouraged to join the Residents’ Committee, met new friends, began to join in other activities within the home and developed a new interest in flower arranging. By September resident A’s well-being score had increased to 74.
Unfortunately, in October resident A was admitted to hospital following a stroke. Her well-being measures were recorded again in November and had understandably decreased to 67, largely due to a decline in physical well-being and a reduction in confidence.
The home staff team used the well-being measure again to work with the resident and to focus some care planning actions on social and psychological well-being aspects, to help to balance the reduction in physical well-being. This was successful and resident A’s well-being scores increased to 75 in February and to 76 in March 2018.
This case study demonstrates the benefits of using the Avery Well-being Measure to support care planning and achieve positive outcomes and improved quality of life for residents.
Article by Linda Patel, Head of Well-being & Activity