Company News

Managing the Pandemic Effectively

Here is the latest update on how we are managing the coronavirus pandemic.

We continue to see reassuring outcomes for the testing results, and we are pleased to report that across the Avery group we are now virtually virus-free for both staff and residents. Despite the media portrayal of the sector, our care homes are now some of the very safest places to live and work.

The only way to control the spread of this virus is to continue with mass continual testing, so we are also pleased to confirm that we are one of six organisations who have been chosen to pilot the Government testing programme, which started in the week commencing 6th July 2020. This testing will be for a period of four weeks, and will include residents and staff on week 1, then staff every week for a further three weeks.


We continue to be inspired and proud of all of the Home Managers and their teams in their diligent and sustained approach to managing the ever-changing Government-led protocols to keep the residents, themselves and their families safe.

We have recently introduced the Garden Visits protocol, to re-connect families with their loved ones. We are also working on an internal visiting protocol, which will of be aligned to Government guidance and will have strict criteria so that we continue to keep everybody safe. Once we have that further guidance and develop the protocol we will contact the relatives directly. A return to normal, open visiting is unlikely to happen for some time, to maintain the safety of all, as we all try to understand how this virus works.


We are in the process of re-aligning the resident in-house services to meet social distance guidance from the government, for areas such as lounges and dining rooms, and for visiting entertainers and hair dressers; we are working hard to restore these services within the ‘new normal’ circumstances as soon as we can for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents.

We would like to thank you again for your patience, support and understanding, and trust that you will keep safe and well.

Sharon Winfield
Chief Operating Officer