Hero Friendships
Company News

Intergenerational Friendships

Across our homes, we are proud to have built strong community links with many individuals, including young people. Research suggests intergenerational interactions can increase well-being and improve children’s social and emotional skills. Residents at South Lodge Care Home in Leicester warmly welcome children from their local nursery, who visit bi-weekly. They performed their wonderful graduation song and dance this month, and the residents happily sang along.

Over at Loxley Park Assisted Living in Sheffield, residents enjoyed their second Ignite Imagination session with children from their local school. Making the most of the sunshine, they finished painting wooden spoons, helping each other with design ideas. Residents at Avalon Court Care Home in Coventry were delighted to re-introduce their Grandfriends Group, which they run weekly. The children, fellow family members and residents enjoy craft activities, songs, and games together.

At Horse Fair Care Home in Rugeley, residents met with students from their local secondary school, who they have been exchanging written letters with. Resident Rita stated how lovely it was to be able to put a face to the name. Earlier this month, they also received a visit from local Primary School pupils, who performed several songs with sign language.

Residents at Spencer House Care Home in Northampton also introduced a Reading Club with children from their local Primary School. The first session was a great success, with residents saying how wonderful it was to hear the children read. Our residents are looking forward to continuing these sessions, and it is fantastic to see friendships being made between generations.