Angela Roughton and staff celebrate CQC GIAC banner hero
Company News, Glenmoor House, Corby, Northamptonshire

It’s Good In All Categories for Glenmoor House!

The Care Quality Commission recently spent two days with us here at Glenmoor House Care Home, completing a bi-annual inspection. We are proud to announce that after weeks of waiting to find out our result, we have been scored as Good In All Categories!

The CQC spent two days inspecting five key areas within our home; Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well Led. Each category is then graded based on the CQC’s findings. There is also an overall rating. The four ratings that are given are Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement and Inadequate. Our report confirms that our home scored consistently throughout, and has therefore received five ‘Good’s!

Within the report, the CQC included quotes from staff, residents and relatives such as:

One resident said, “I feel totally safe.”

While staff spoke about the high level of training received from Avery, “I had a full induction when I started and we have regular refreshers on each topic.”

Another staff member said “The dementia training was so helpful. I’ve not had anything like that before, it was really good.”

A relative said “When the new [registered] Manager arrived, they held a meeting with us and I really felt like she cared. She was happy to listen to us… I do feel involved.”

Everyone at Glenmoor House is extremely proud of this fantastic result, but none more than our Home Manager, Angela Roughton, who led the team to this victory. She said “We are all very pleased with the rating we have received from CQC, all of the staff have worked very hard to achieve this and take great pride in their work. Relatives have also been proactive in supporting us, so it has been an all-round team effort.”

Angela Roughton and staff celebrate CQC GIAC

If you would like to learn more about Glenmoor House Care Home, please like our Facebook page, or call us on 01536 205255.