Company News

Falls Prevention

Falling is not an inevitable part of getting older. However, slips, trips and falls are a significant cause of injury for older people, with falls representing the most severe and frequent type of accident in people aged 65 and over. Falling can cause distress, pain, and injury, which can lead to a loss of independence and confidence and an associated decrease in well-being.

During the last twelve months, the accident rate across all Avery Homes associated with slips, trips and falls has reduced by over a third. This is a significant and notable achievement and is evidence of the dedicated promotion of falls prevention.

This year we have increased our focus on this. And a falls prevention poster has been developed for staff, providing practical guidance to support residents to remain as independent as possible through the prevention of falls, which in turn reduces the risk of harm.

To engage further with residents and families in minimising the risk of falling, we are developing support materials to increase knowledge and awareness and work with residents to put strategies in place to reduce the risk of falling, such as wearing well-fitting footwear.

Overall, the most effective way to manage the risk of falling is to work together with residents and their families to use a preventative approach. Taking into consideration all of the personalised contributory factors that relate to an individual and the environment in which they live and continuing to support them to live as independently as possible.

Article by Julie Spencer, Assistant Director of Care and Quality, for Welcome Home Issue 10.