Elvy Court Supporter Steps Up To the Mark
When Rosemary tuned in to her local BBC Radio Kent to catch a programme on a subject close to her heart, that of caring for a loved one, she was slightly disappointed to find people only too willing to share in the negative aspects of their experiences. Desperate to tell the radio presenter, Julia George of her experiences involving her terminally ill husband, and seeking to redress the balance, Rosemary picked up the phone and called Elvy Court’s manager Silvia Barret, asking politely if she would mind if she called the show. “Please do” came the response, and so she did.
The recording below shows why we are so lucky to have people like Rosemary as supporters and she truly is a supporter. Although her husband Warwick sadly passed away, Rosemary is still a regular visitor to the home, volunteering where she can to help bring some joy to the lives of our Elvy residents. It is something that she enjoys and Rosemary, we are lucky to have you visit our wonderful home. Thank you so much for saying the nice things you did, for recognising the excellence and dedication of our care workers and the great work they do behind the scenes. But most of all, thank you for showing so many people up and down the country that care homes can deliver such positive and life enriching experiences.