Company News

CQC Latest Support Inspection Passed!

During the pandemic the care sector regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), has not been able to visit care homes to undertake their usual assessments. They did however wish to ensure and monitor that they were responding to and managing correctly and effectively the challenges brought about by the coronavirus.

So the CQC has implemented a remote assessment called the Emergency Support Framework (ESF) to assess us in the four domains of:

  • Safe Care And Treatment
  • Staffing Arrangements
  • Protection From Abuse
  • Assurance Processes, Monitoring And Risk Management


We are delighted to say that we have been assessed on this ESF basis and fully satisfied the CQC’s requirements, with no material concerns; the robust and scalable quality assurance and risk management systems plus clinical governance already in place at Avery Healthcare has more than met the challenges of the pandemic.

Our residents and their families, as well as those now seeking to place a loved one in to our care home, can be assured that the Avery Healthcare homes are some of the safest places to be, with excellent infection control standards in hygiene regimes and sanitisation protocols. These more than meet the regulator’s standards, as well as the expectations of our residents, staff, and their respective families.