Company News

Avery Care Homes are Now Open

We are delighted to inform you that Avery care homes, in line with government guidelines, are now getting back to some semblance of ‘normal’.  There are three main areas that relatives and new enquiring families have been waiting to hear about:

  1. Meet the Manager

New enquirers can now book a face-to-face meeting on-site at the home with the Home Manager or home team to discuss your loved ones’ needs.  Virtual tours have been very useful during the pandemic but we know that getting a feel for the home is more important to you.  From 12thApril 2021, a nominated person or family member can make an appointment to meet the Home Manager and team in person.

  1. Join your loved one on Moving-in Day

Another area that is so important is the ‘admissions process’ or, as we like to call it, ‘moving-in day’.  With a quick Lateral Flow Test, temperature checks and extra precautions, you are welcome to join your loved one in the home on the day they move in so you can help with unpacking and settling in.  It’s a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other.

  1. Regular Indoor and Outdoor Visiting

We are delighted that visiting restrictions are lifting, and there are now more opportunities to visit your loved one.  The guidance for safe visiting from 12th April 2021 is as follows:

  • Your loved one can nominate up to 2 named visitors who will be able to enter our homes for regular visits (and will be able to visit together or separately as preferred) plus children and babies. Adult visitors will be tested using rapid lateral flow tests before every visit, must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow all other infection control measures during visits.
  • Visitors and residents are advised to keep physical contact to a minimum. Visitors and residents may wish to hold hands but should bear in mind that any physical contact increases the risk of transmission. For this reason, there should not be close physical contact such as hugging.
  • In addition to their 2 named visitors, residents with higher care needs can also choose to nominate an essential care giver.
  • we can also continue to offer visits to other friends or family members through arrangements such as outdoor visiting, rooms with substantial screens, visiting pods, or from behind windows.


Each of our care homes are unique in its physical environment and facilities, and the needs and wishes of their residents. As such, there may be variations so please always check with your Home Manager.

Thank you to all of our families who have been on this journey with us during the last 12 months, and a very warm welcome to new families who are thinking of joining us.  With resident and staff vaccines a great success, we are feeling well protected and very positive about the Spring.