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Company News, Droitwich Mews, Droitwich, Worcestershire

All Aboard the Concorde

The Concorde aeroplane was the first ‘supersonic’ passenger-carrying commercial plane that served the skies for more than 30 years between 1969 and 2003. Deemed a masterpiece of technology, the Concorde was one of the fastest commercial flights, with maximum speeds reaching up to 2,179 km (1,354 miles) per hour. Droitwich Mews Care Home resident and Concorde enthusiast Anne often shares her stories about the aircraft with her fellow residents, regularly expressing, “A dream of mine would be to go and see a Concorde up close.” The topic especially excites her as her brother was an engineer who built one of the planes in the 1960s. With Anne’s birthday in May, a memorable trip to the Imperial War Museum in Duxford was the perfect surprise allowing her to board a Concorde and learn more about the fascinating aeroplane. As she stepped foot inside, she breathtakingly said, “I never thought I would be doing this after all these years!”

Anne Concorde