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Company News, Aran Court, Birmingham, Birmingham

Adventure is in the Air

On the 15th of September, five residents from Aran Court Care Home in Birmingham visited the Royal Air Force Museum located in Cosford to discover incredible stories of those who have served in the RAF, along with a fantastic display of aircraft, including the world’s oldest Spitfire, iconic cars, models, tanks, and exhibits, all housed in wartime hangers.

One resident in particular was especially excited about the trip. Getting up earlier than usual, he was ready and waiting to go before anyone else. Edwin, aged 101 years old, worked as a flight engineer from 1938 to 1945, flying Wellington planes along with a Lancaster. Many of the items on show at the museum brought back memories that Edwin happily shared with the group, not to mention the uniform he wore. He couldn’t stop smiling when they were invited behind the scenes to look at a Wellington plane currently being restored.

Katie Griffin, Aran Court’s Well-being Co-ordinator, is hoping to take him back to see the aircraft once the restoration has been completed in October following his 102nd birthday. When asked his thoughts on the outing, Edwin said, “I’ve had an amazing day. I am so grateful to you for taking me and giving me the opportunity to see those planes. I’m glad I got to share part of my life with you and my friends. I am looking forward to returning when the Wellington is finished.”

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