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Company News, Milton Court, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire

A Musical Day with Glyndebourne Opera House

Residents at Milton Court Care Home in Milton Keynes were delighted to receive a visit from Jo, Melanie and Freya from the Glyndebourne Opera Company, accompanied by Maddie from the Creative Learning Team at Milton Keynes Theatre. Together, they delivered an interactive workshop for the residents.

Melanie is the composer of a newly commissioned Chamber Opera, which explores the experience of loneliness and the paths we follow to join back together with others. Whilst this was a serious topic, the residents felt lucky to have an insight into the new opera. They enjoyed taking part in the singing workshop with the World Class Singers, describing it as beautiful and uplifting. In addition, the residents are lucky enough to have been invited to watch the final performance in the Autumn! They are very much looking forward to this incredible opportunity.