100-year-old Jean Becomes Facebook Queen
Social media isn’t just for the younger generations, as residents and staff at Acer Court Care Home in Nottingham recently discovered.
An innocent enough request for 100 Facebook likes on behalf of resident Jean Aram, in celebration of her 100th birthday, quickly became a viral sensation.
Jean’s birthday managed to reach out to over 3 million people worldwide, something that took the home, and Jean especially by surprise. To the amazement of all the post took on a life of its own with over 37,000 Likes, 22,000 Shares and with 3,000 Comments from countries across the globe on all five continents!
Jean enjoyed her day with a special cake, champagne and the company of family, staff and local dignitaries, even finding time to open some of her 200 birthday cards. Her story was also featured in the Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser too. She was delighted with her new-found fame and to have received so many good wishes from across the world for her special day, in addition to her card from Her Majesty The Queen.