Greensand House Grand Opening Banner Image
Company News, Greensand House, Salfords

Greensand House Grand Opening

On Thursday, 1st June, Greensand House Care Home in Salfords was delighted to celebrate the official grand opening of the home to Salfords and broader community. Joining the home for the ceremony, Avery Healthcare’s CEO, Lorna Rose and Mayor of Reigate and Banstead, Cllr Eddy Humphreys, proudly cut the ribbon and officially declared the home open. The day was a joyous occasion, packed with fun as guests were treated to entertainment, fabulous food and glorious sun. On the day, Cllr Humphreys said, “We are very proud to welcome Greensand House Care Home to our community. The home is friendly, peaceful and welcoming. I look forward to attending the home again for another one of their fantastic events.”

To see more of our activities and upcoming events, visit our Facebook page.