Company News

Captain Sir Tom Moore: Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day

Friday 30th April 2021 would have been Captain Sir Tom Moore’s 101st birthday. To commemorate this day, his family set out a challenge and tasked the public to conjure up their own ‘100’ challenge; this could be anything from completing laps to writing letters. Far be it for our homes to turn down a challenge, we have seen some fantastic and creative initiatives. Staff and residents at Edenbridge Manor and Merlin Court tried their hands at hula-hooping, intending to do 100 in a row; whilst the results weren’t quite what they had expected, the attempts meant for a good laugh for all involved.

At Amarna House, the residents collectively thought up ‘100 Reasons to Smile’, this included beer, holidays, and cats, but of course, the number one was York City Football Club. At Highcliffe, it was baking time as the residents got involved in decorating cupcakes. The challenge was shared to Facebook, with one relative commenting, “Watch out, Mr Kipling… you’ve got competition!” And at Astbury Manor, residents challenged themselves to knit 100 hats for premature babies as part of their ‘Knit and Natter’ club. Luckily, pro-knitter and fellow resident Eileen was on hand to help offer support to those getting to grips with the task at hand.