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Company News, Hempstalls Hall

Team Hempstalls Take Snowdon

On the 19th September, Hempstalls Hall Care Home staff members Lucy Evans, Courtney Pomelli, Tracey Evans, Fay Chadwick, Leanne Edwards, Joanne Brookes, Michelle Brown Smith, Lisa Bailey, and Emma Williams took part in a sponsored nine-mile Memory Walk up Snowdon to help raise money and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Society – a charity dedicated to supporting those with dementia and their carers.

Arriving at Llanberis with their boots, coats, and rucksacks at the ready, the team relied on each other’s motivation to keep them going and their spirits high throughout the climb. Michelle Brown, commented, “The first quarter of a mile was challenging enough, but we all encouraged each other and tried not to focus too far ahead.” To date, the team has managed to raise an impressive £1,910, exceeding their initial target of £900. Well done to Team Hempstalls!