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Parliamentary Review

It’s not often that you get the chance to present your case to the country’s decision-makers, so when the Parliamentary Review approached Avery to present the perspective of an independent care provider in the UK, we leapt at the chance. Published each February, the review has become a key fixture of the political calendar, with the foreword always written by the Prime Minister or Chancellor.

Parlimentary Review intext

The review contains impartial summaries of the year in British industry and Westminster from leading journalists, including the BBC’s Andrew Neil. Up to 15 organisations also submit articles to demonstrate how they have become leaders in their field, how they have responded to challenges within their sector, sharing best practice as a template for reform.

Across all its policy sectors, The review is sent out to MPs, House of Lords Peers, and senior business leaders; it is edited by former Minister for Housing and World Trade editor of The Financial Times, The Rt Hon David Curry. Senior Avery staff have been invited to the review’s Gala launch evening, to meet leading executives from a range of sectors as well as senior politicians past and present.

George Osborne, Theresa May, David Cameron and Philip Hammond have all written exclusively for the review in recent years, along with many of the nation’s most established business leaders and talented entrepreneurs.

It’s a great honour for Avery to represent the views of the care sector, the challenges, and where opportunity lies. We hope this review turns in to real action.

Article by Mark Danis, Commercial Director.