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Company News, St Giles, Birmingham, Birmingham

Dr. Wears prescribes St Giles Care Home!

St Giles Care Home in Birmingham are pleased to have recently received a meticulous letter of praise from Dr. R. Wears MB ChB MSc FRCP FRCP(Glasg), a consultant physician from Solihull Hospital. Dr. Wears works closely with the staff at St. Giles to ensure that our residents receive their medicines on time, and at the correct dosage.

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Our staff go to great lengths to provide the best in care for all residents whatever their needs, so to receive such positive feedback from a qualified professional such as Dr. Wears highlights the high-quality service that we provide to our residents.

Dr. Wears wrote in his letter that he has been consistently impressed by the nursing team at St Giles. His letter said, “Under inspiring leadership, the nursing team displays an enthusiastic and professional approach to supporting our patients. The nursing team can be relied on to carry out nursing tasks to a high standard.”

He continued, “I have no concerns about the staff’s ability to manage patients with a whole range of complex medical issues. Observations are carried out in an exemplary fashion and the nursing team are more than able to manage complex drug regimes for patients with Parkinson’s disease. The team make valuable contributions to the multidisciplinary meetings and work hard to maintain effective patient flow through the unit. The nursing team have repeatedly displayed excellent communication skills with our patients and their families.”

St. Giles offers two floors of round-the-clock nursing care and support, and residential care on the newly refurbished top floor. Compassionate staff understand the importance of getting to know each individual so that the most professional and appropriate care can be given. We like to give mind and body equal attention and to make sure that everyone is treated with value and dignity and achieves as much independence as they can.

Dr. Wears agreed with the above statement, saying, “The staff have displayed a commendable focus on patient safety and consistently strive to improve standards of care for all our patients. Although the aim for the majority of our patients is to help them recover and return home, the team have demonstrated their ability to provide effective and compassionate care for patients requiring palliative care. I have personally seen the team provide such care for patients who had struggled in a variety of hospital settings but who appeared cheerful and comfortable at St Giles.”

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For more about St Giles Care Home, call 0121 770 8531 or like us on Facebook.