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Company News, Grove Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire

Say Cheese!

We recently invited our Avery Ambassador Sherrie Hewson to a cheese and wine afternoon here at Grove Park. We showcased a selection of cheeses and wines matched to a range of countries, with a selection of baked breads from the culinary team too.

A showpiece in Reception was a large handmade cake, carefully crafted by Claire from the Well-being team. Themed on the Benidorm theatre production in which Sherrie is currently appearing, it replicated the theatre backdrop with the cast sculpted in chocolate before intricately painted clothing was added. Sherrie loved the cake so much that she took photos of it to show to the cast that evening. The Quiet Lounge was also tastefully transformed into a cocktail bar modelled on the Benidorm show, where the residents had contributed to naming the cocktails the previous day.


Sherrie was presented with her Life-Story Board by our well-being team, based upon her whole acting career. She was amazed that this had been done for her and said she would treasure it, evidently moved by the effort the team had taken to know her career and interests. This visual timeline also covered national events in the country at these times, as this supports reminiscence with our residents.

Sherrie spoke with Violet, the oldest resident who will be 103 this year, and other residents and staff, and commented upon the wonderful atmosphere in the home and how full of life it was, and clearly how happy both the residents and the staff team were. The residents presented Sherrie with a Malteser hamper, knowing these were her favourite chocolates. Sherrie filled the home with joy, and the residents, staff and guests all had an amazing day and we received many compliments.

We would love to invite Sherrie back in the future. Cheese!