Company News, Alma Court

Avery Raises £5,000 During Dementia Awareness Week

We the Avery Healthcare Group were delighted to present a cheque for £5,000 to the Alzheimer’s Society from our ‘Forget Me Not’ events on 20th May. The cheque was presented recently, after all of our 48 homes nationwide supported the event.

Our homes organised bake sales with herbal teas and refreshments to raise the money; many also put on a huge range of activities including Viking visits and Bollywood dancing, holding raffles and tombolas to enhance the totals. Staff at the homes also handed out Forget Me Not seeds to everyone who joined in with the events, so friends, families and visitors could grow their own memories of the day.

Lloyd Butcher, Community Fundraiser of the Alzheimer’s Society said: “Dementia is set to be the 21st century’s biggest killer, with someone developing it every three minutes, and there’s currently no cure. I would like to thank Avery Healthcare for their fantastic support at their care homes up and down the country during Dementia Awareness Week. The money raised will help us provide information and support, improve care, fund research, and create lasting change for people affected by dementia.”

A special mention goes out to the following homes for raising such a fantastic amount:

Abbey Court Nursing Home and Alma Court Nursing Home in Cannock raised an incredible £510.03 between them


Adelaide Care Home in Bexleyheath raised a staggering £205.00


Birchwood Grange Care Home in Harrow raised a fabulous £200.00


Cliftonville Care Home in Northampton raised a fantastic £223.91


Horse Fair Care Home in Rugeley raised an amazing £223.31


Well done everyone for all your efforts, let’s see how much we can raise on the next mandatory day, remember every penny counts!